It never dawned on me that a place existed in the United States where I would find myself in a state's capital city and have no cell reception...ENTER MONTANA.
After a three hour drive into the setting sun I found myself on a dark narrow twisty road slowly traveling up a steep canyon. After another 45 minutes I came to a sign that said "Big Sky" with an arrow directing me to turn right. We get so accustomed to being able to use our GPS in our phones that most people would never think to write down turn by turn directions. Luckily in my case I did, driving through town with one over head lamp on, steering wheel in one hand and notebook in the other I managed to find my way to my friends home where I would be staying for the next seven days. When I woke the next morning I quickly realized that this was a place like no other I had ever been to.
I've never been to a place so wild and beautiful, where the typical American mindset of mindlessly accumulating material possessions is replaced with a devout desire to live ones life passionately pursuing every outdoor related sport you have time to fit into your day.
Summer time, wake up, go for a run down the trail through the woods along a stream, get home throw on your bike shoes and grab your mountain bike for a trip to town making sure to hit some single track along the way, have lunch, grab some groceries, run errands, and home again to take a nap. Afternoon holds a special place in my heart, 3pm prep your fly rod and pack up the truck, drive a couple miles to an unspoiled section of river, match the hatch, and catch a couple rainbows, a couple browns, and a couple brook trout on a dry. Its dark out now, time to get cleaned up and head to a local watering hole to see some close friends and compare stories from your day. Time to get some rest, tomorrow you have a 7:00 a.m tea time.
Its all in a days work...
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